Year: 2021

Madame Crumpet

Inspired by the classic Croque Madame, this Madame Crumpet is the tastiest brunch you’ll ever make! Just to make sure we’re all on the same wave length, a Croque Madame is essentially a hot toasted ham and cheese sandwich with…

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Deviled Egg Pasta Salad

This deviled egg pasta salad is loaded with so many goodies. It’s also so quick and easy to make! Ever torn between taking either a pasta salad or egg salad to a BBQ? Why choose when you can have both…

Sweet Potato Frittata

This Sweet Potato Frittata is absolutely packed full of flavour. It’s quick, easy and perfect for lunch! A frittata is great because it’s essentially a quiche without the fuss of making a crust. Sometimes you want lunch and you want…